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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beauty Boo-Boos You Shouldn’t commit


Published in MOD OCrober 2010

UNDERWEAR creases? Oily skin? Wrong makeup color? How many times have you had these fashion and beauty errors?

Look, these mistakes are avoidable. Especially if you know what they are and you know how to prevent them. Bianca Valerio, model, makeup artist, and host of Lifestyle Channel’s FASH, shares common fashion and beauty slip-ups and how to steer clear of them.

Beauty Blunders

Oily all over. “Especially if you commute, you don’t want to look oily going on a date or to close a deal. We want freshness, we want matte freshness,” says Bianca. “One thing you should always have in your bag is oil film.”

Wrong shade. “For press powder, get your own shade,” presses Bianca as to avoid being too pale or too dark. “Mix your foundation with moisturizer to make it a tinted moisturizer. If you bought the wrong shade, buy your own shade, make plenty shades, and share them with a friend.”

Color coding. “The most basic thing to remember if you are going for a dark eye, go for light lips. For dark lips, go for a dark eye. Always choose one focal point. Don’t do it altogether,” she says. “Don’t mix all the trends together—leave it to magazines and fashion shows. Go for one focal point and go with that, use your best features, and make them the center emphasis.”

Makeup Sleep . “No matter how sleepy you are, no matter how tired you are, always remove your makeup and wash your face before going to bed you won’t get breakouts, allergies, or clogged pores. That is the time when your skin rejuvenates and refreshes itself,” she says.

Fashion Faux Pas

Underwear Bomber. “People take underwear for granted but it really is the foundation of every outfit,” Bianca says. “There was one time, a girl bought granny panties, and the panties even had pockets where she can even place her cell phones.” Underwear keeps your clothes from being soiled, shapes your body and more important, should be concealed. Avoid display of your bra and panty lines.

Overage dressing. “You should dress age-appropriatel,” she says. “If you can work it and still have the body for skinny jeans, why not?” She explains that dressing age-appropriate means looking at circumstances. For example, if you are going to a PTA party, it is not exactly right to wear a plunging neckline and a backless blouse.

Overlooking dress codes. “Good taste is not just knowing about what nice is, it’s about what proper is. There is a moral conduct underlying all those clothes,” she says. “You also want people to like you kasi hindi ka agaw eksena, nasa lugar. Everything has its right place. That’s why there is always a dress code.”

FASH airs every Thursday at 10 p.m. on the Lifestyle Channel, Channel 52 on Sky Cable.

You Asked

Is the sun good or bad for my skin?

---- Rina, via Twitter

Socouer Oblepias, M.D. Answers

The sun is not all harmful because we need it for vitamin D, but sometimes overexposure can cause skin damage. Another concern would be aging skin. One of the cheapest preventive measures is a sun block, like the new Pond’s Flawless White Blemish Prevention UV Cream which prevents and lightens dark spots and has SPF 15. Putting powder on top of a sun block would actually put the sun block in place for a longer period of time than putting just sun block. It is ideal is to put the sun block first on top of the powder.

Socouer Oblepias, M.D. is a member of the Philippine Dermatological Society

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