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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Your (Weight) Loss is Your (Beauty) Gain

Your (Weight) Loss is Your (Beauty) Gain


MOD June 2010

HEARD of the the bride-to-be in the United Kingdom who wanted to lose weight so she could fit into her wedding gown? She ate only 530 calories a day 11 weeks before her altar date. She never marched down the aisle.She died!

Every woman wants to be radiant on her wedding day.That is why many brides-to-be work really hard to trim down their food intake, and exercise to fit into their wedding gown. But, for those of you who have already set an altar date with their man, be warned! Never overdo your diet as you may suffer the same fate as the bride-to-be from the UK.

Here are some tips on how to be a fit and fab bride:

Eat healthy. Get proper nutrition by eating fruits and vegetables. The carbohydrates that you eat should contain fiber as this will help you feel full between meals. The protein that you consume must be lean meat like chicken and fish. Take your vitamin supplement daily. And make sure never to skip meals. When you do, your body holds on to the food in your stomach because it does not want to starve. You starve less, yes, but the stored food makes you bigger!

Choose what you eat. You can do this by keeping a food diary. Here, you will write down every single thing---of food and drink and its quantity---that you will put into your mouth. Keeping a food diary will help you resist the urge to eat as you become aware of the things that you consume. It will help you eat more responsibly.

Never underestimate the value of exercise. According to, exercise boosts metabolism and controls calories. So, dedicate at least an hour of your day to exercise. Before the big day, be sure to do some fat-busting aerobics. You can even try to do belly dancing, striptease dancing, or pole dancing to practice those moves. There are gyms which sell monthly membership, but if you are too shy to gyrate in a gym, try working out at home with an exercise video.

Find a diet partner. Since they, too, would most likely want to look fab in gown, recruit your bridesmaids or your mom to join your diet regimen. Have someone close to you to remind you of your diet; of what to and what not to eat, and when to exercise.

Motivate yourself. The drive to lose weight before the big day should always come from the bride herself. So, whether it be the wedding gown or a picture of a model, be sure that you have a stimulus to lose that extra fat.

You Asked

I’m a smoker, and I know that it is bad for my lungs. But now my friend says that it is also bad for my eyes. How true is this? - Mandy, via Twitter

Asian Eye Institute Answers:

According to the Asian Eye Institute, smoking harms your eyes because it lowers the amount of blood flow to the eyes. Research has linked smoking to the increased risk of developing age-related muscular degeneration, cataracts, and optic nerve damage, all of which can lead to blindness. There is also an evidence that the more you smoke, the greater the risk and the faster the progression of the disease.

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